September: A time to re-set, re-focus and re-ignite your goals

September always feels like the perfect time for a fresh start, especially when it comes to fitness. It has a bit of that “new year, new me” energy, but without all of the January pressure!

Here are a few tips on how to make the most of September and get a fresh start for your fitness journey.

1) Set Some Goals: Think about short term wins, and also the bigger picture. Where do you want to be at the end of the year?

2) Get Organised: Having a plan makes it much easier to stay on track!

3) Mix It Up: Variety challenges your body and helps to keep your mind focused and motivated. Be adventurous!

4) Fuel Up Right: Try to incorporate seasonal fruits and veg like apples, pumpkins, and squash, which are all packed with nutrients.

5) Revamp Your Routine: September’s cooler temperatures are ideal for outdoor workouts. Whether it’s a run in the park, weekend hike or Saturday morning Bootcamp!

6) Rest and Recovery: Remember to get enough good sleep and allow your body and mind some recovery time.

7) Mindset and Motivation: Think about why getting fit matters to you. Whether it’s feeling healthier, boosting your energy, or just wanting to feel good in your skin.

8) Be Accountable: Find people who will help celebrate your wins, and encourage you when things don’t go to plan.

9) Look Back And Move Forward: Celebrate the wins, learn from the slips, and adjust your goals as needed.

Need some help? Check out our timetable, or have a look at our Online Coaching Programme.
Drop me a line if you’d like to book for a free trial at any of our classes, or would like a Zoom call to find out more about our online coaching.

September Health and Fitness Goals
Posted by Heather Waghorn.