
Join Kate's 30-Day Clean Eating Challenge!

Within a supportive, private Facebook group, Kate's challenge will comprise a series of realistic, easy to understand and implement recommendations and lessons for lifelong changes.

Here are just some of the things you’ll learn:

  • The emphasis is on small, bite-sized lessons, which are drip-fed to you one per day

  • How to loose fat and keep it off

  • How to maintain a healthy weight, so you avoid the risk of health-related diseases

  • How to supercharge your energy levels

  • Why whole foods keep you satisfied for longer, so you’re less tempted by eating junk

  • How to meal plan so you always have healthy food options

  • How to make healthy snacks, so you don’t graze on junk food when you’re hungry

  • Some of the best healthy food blogs that make life simple

  • How to identify food triggers that are (subconsciously) keeping you from your goals

  • Food swaps for cravings, so you can eat more of the foods you love without piling on the pounds or worrying about your health

  • Healthy breakfasts for busy mornings

  • How to use herbs and spices to power up your food and make them taste amazing

  • Some recipes suggestions to add variety to your life

  • How to strike a happy medium with your diet

  • Some facts about sugar, salt and fats, the good, the bad and the in between, so you'll be in a much better position to look after your own health, and the health of your family

  • Plus loads more...

It costs £30, just £1 per day, and will start on 7th January 2019!

If you would like to take part in Kate's 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge, or would like to know more, please drop us a line.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Little Black Dress Challenge!


Following on from the success of our previous challenges, we've teamed up with local nutrition expert, Marcelle Dubruel, to bring you another great healthy eating & exercise plan, just in time for the Little Black Dress season!

How Does It Work?

Once you've signed up, you'll be invited to join our LBD Closed Facebook Group on the 27th October, where you'll meet your fellow participants. You'll then be able to download your healthy eating plan and get ready to start. Your LBD Challenge runs from the 1st to 30th November.

Over the weeks, within this private group, you'll share your journey, motivating and inspiring each other along the way.

What's Included?

  • A wide range of healthy, balanced, easy to prepare and no-hunger recipes
  • Weekly workouts from the HA fitness team
  • Nutrition and exercise support, answering any questions you may have
  • Membership of our closed Facebook group
  • Daily motivation, inspiration and guidance, helping you to make healthy eating fit around your lifestyle
  • Party survival tips, including what to eat and drink whilst also having fun
  • Bonus Treat Friday - there's cake!

How Much Does It Cost?

  • It's just £65 for the Challenge, and you get to keep all of the recipes.
  • Sign-up with a challenge buddy / introduce a friend, and enjoy a discount. If you sign-up together, it's just £110 for two (you each pay £55).

How Do I Sign-Up?

Head over to our Bootcamp page to book your place, or drop us a line for more info.

And it's not just for girls! Guys are welcome to join the challenge too (Black-Tie Challenge doesn't quite have the same ring to it).

Happy Training!

Heather & The HA Team

P.S. Don't be a plump pumpkin, purchase your class passes online today!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

5-day bootcamp next week anyone?

As we all seem to be waking up really early at the moment, it seemed a good idea to put on an early morning 5-day HIIT BeachBody Bootcamp next week in South Park Gardens!

The goal?

To make the most of those extra hours awake, and to do some last minute work on that beach body!

Tempted to join us?

Just give us everything you've got for 45 minutes, everyday, for 5 days. Our fast-paced workouts will blast away that extra winter weight. The back-to-back sessions will both challenge and motivate you.

Who should come?

We welcome both men and ladies of all abilities to join us. It'll be a fantastic and fun way to boost to your summer fitness whatever your current level.

How does it work?

HIIT BeachBody BootCamp will run every morning from 6.15 - 7.00am in South Park Gardens from 26th June to 30th June. If you miss a class, you're welcome to make it up at our Saturday session either at 7.45am or 9.00am.

How do you sign-up?

It's just £45 for the 5 days. Book your place now!

Bookings will close for this BootCamp end of play tomorrow (Friday). This gives us the weekend to plan an amazing week for you!


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

NEW HA fitness Body Blitz 6 week challenge!

NEW HA fitness Body Blitz 6 week challenge!

We've teamed up with Marcelle Dubruel, a Wimbledon nutritional therapist specialising in weight and health management.

Marcelle has developed a healthy and tasty eating plan for boosting your metabolism alongside our fitness workouts.

Ready to get your summer body sorted? Join our 6 week Body Blitz challenge and shimmy into summer.

HA Fitness Body Blitz Challenge is good for those who:

  • Want to feel energised, slim and healthy.
  • Would love to shed a few unwanted inches.
  • Are determined to feel “jean” fabulous by the summer.
  • Recognise the winning combination of exercise and balanced eating.
  • Enjoy healthy, family friendly eating for boosting metabolism.
  • Mean to get round to healthier living but life keeps getting in the way!
  • Welcome the support and guidance on just what to do!

HA Fitness Body Blitz Challenge comes in 3 parts:

1. The Meal Plan

A large range of options of tried and tested breakfasts, quick lunches, simple dinners and yummy snacks.

2. Exclusive membership to a closed Facebook Group

You'll be supported throughout the whole 6 weeks within the group. This is where it all happens...

  • All questions are welcome, especially the ones that may feel silly!
  • You can put your hand up and ask for help when you need it.
  • There will be support, encouragement and motivation from your nutritional therapist, Marcelle.
  • You'll be able to share your journey with like-minded Body Blitz enthusiasts, including Heather.
  • We'll give lots of guidance to make the challenge work for you in your lifestyle.
  • You receive Extra Facebook Group Bonuses, including Workout Wednesdays and Treat Fridays!

3. Commitment, support and accountability to exercise

We're asking you to do at least 3 workouts a week, every week, for the duration of the 6 week challenge. These can be at an HA fitness class, personal training session, or on your own (you'll get one workout every Wednesday in the Facebook Group!).

HA Fitness Body Blitz Challenge Housekeeping:

This exclusive challenge is only available to HA fitness personal training clients, holders of HA fitness class passes and current BootCamp members.

The 6 week challenge runs from Monday 24th April 2017 to Sunday 4th June 2017.

Cost: £85

Payment is required in full by 19th April 2017.

Payment secures your place and activates your membership. You will be invited to join the closed HA fitness Body Blitz Facebook group where you will have access to the pre-challenge resources.

Sign-up now! Or drop us a line for more info.

You'll easily get your workouts done at any of our Buggyfit or Fit In The Park sessions. Check out our full timetable for all the details.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Maggies Power Walk: Saturday 8 June 2013 - Warm-up by HA fitness!

Want a challenge this Saturday? How about a 15 mile charity walk from Richmond Park along the Thames to Hammersmith? Here's why you should join us:

1) It's for an amazing charity. Maggie’s Centres provide emotional, practical and social support to people with cancer & their families & friends.

2) It's just £35 to sign-up, which you can do online. There's no fundraising commitment, just raise as much as you can.

3) It's a beautiful scenic walk, which will help you to burn calories & get fit.

4) I will be doing the warm-up at the start!

Go to the Maggies website for more info & to sign-up. Hope to see you there!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Pleasure or Pain: What Drives You?

Understanding your motivation for getting fit is the first stage in bridging the gap between sitting on a sofa thinking about exercise, and actually going out and doing it.

Identifying the triggers that drive you, and using them as a springboard to getting and staying fit and healthy, is the key to success.  The more you focus on these, the more likely you’ll be able to fire up your enthusiasm for a healthy lifestyle.

So what encourages you more, the carrot egging you on or the stick beating you up?

Running Away From Pain

The stick is something that you want to move away from, you may like to think of it as a form of pain. It could be a health issue you want to stay clear of such as obesity and heart disease, or physiological problems like stress or depression.

The catalyst could be your doctor dropping some strong hints, or a friend or family member suffering from these complaints.

The motivation comes from your fear of the stick and wanting to take action to avoid it at all lengths. If you keep reminding yourself of this potential beating, it can be a really powerful self- motivator.

Try taking measurements or photos of how your body is changing as you get leaner and fitter. Look back at these and remind yourself that you don’t want to go there again!

Pursuing Pleasure

The pursuit of pleasure can also be a very powerful self-motivational tool. This is the carrot, or aspiration. It’s about wanting satisfaction by achieving something significant. For example, running a marathon, racing a PB, losing 2 stone etc.

Setting realistic goals and bite-sized targets is key. It doesn’t have to be a marathon or reaching a specific weight. It could be completing 3 workouts a week, or managing to run up a particular hill.

Visualisation can be a very powerful motivational tool. Picture yourself finishing a race or buying clothes in a smaller size. Imagine how good you’ll feel, and how proud you’ll be of your achievement.

Treat yourself when you achieve a step towards your goal. There’s no law against self-bribery!

Moving Beyond The Carrot & Stick

So what happens when you achieve your goals and the stick becomes a distant memory?

You may find that your motivation starts to diminish, so it’s important to plan ahead to avoid drifting backwards and having to start the whole cycle again.

Set new goals, challenges and targets and keep adding in variety by trying out different things. You may have moved from being in fear of the stick to wanting to pursue the pleasurable goals. Keep it interesting and inspiring and try to maintain the momentum. Look at what you’ve achieved and where you want to go next.

Don’t Stop Me Now!

Believe it or not, at some point you may actually find that you enjoy exercising. This is your ultimate goal, when fitness becomes a way of life and you’ll need less and less to rely on the stick or the carrot to keep you going. You train because that’s what you do and who you are.

Remember, regular exercisers don’t waste time sitting on the sofa weighing up the pros and cons of doing a workout, they just get on with it!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Fancy a Challenge? How about running 7 marathons in 7 continents in just over 5 days!

I love hearing stories about people who push the physical limits of the human body, and take on extraordinary challenges and adventures. Top of my Herculean list at the moment is Richard Donovan, who has just completed a Global Marathon Challenge by running 7 marathons in 7 continents in just over 5 days (and that includes travel!).

Donovan’s recent run around the world began in Antarctica where he battled strong winds, blinding snow and sub-zero temperatures. He then flew to sunny Cape Town, followed by Dubai, London (in the snow!), Toronto, Santiago, and finally Sydney where temperatures rose to 33o!

He completed this gruelling challenge in a total of 130 hours and 8 minutes. During this time, he ran 295km (183 miles), spent over 62 hours ‘resting’ on planes, and flew 43,000km!

To put this into perspective, running a marathon (26.2 miles) is a pretty tough challenge in itself. However with enough groundwork, plus a beefy mental attitude, I believe it’s well within most people’s reach.

Running back-to-back marathons, however, takes things to a whole new impressive level. This type of endurance event is reserved for the hard core, those who are fit enough and sufficiently foolish to attempt it.

But Donovan’s challenge was no measly trot around a few city parks. Not only did he run a huge distance over a short period of time, he also had to contend with sleep deprivation, jet lag, and extreme temperature and weather changes ranging from deep snow to intense heat!

Compare this to your own training over the last few weeks. If you’ve wimped out of going for a run around the block because you thought you might get a bit damp or cold (especially during the recent snow and rain), then let this story put you to shame! These are just mild inconveniences in comparison!

For further inspiration, and to read more about Donovan’s challenge, and GOAL, the charity he ran for, visit his website at

Happy training!


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

How Can You Make Running More Fun?

Every runner needs some help to stay motivated from time to time. Here are a few ideas to help keep you on your toes and off the sofa!

1) Run Free

Ditch your schedule, route plan and stopwatch. Head out the door and, once you’re warmed up, literally run like a child. Don’t worry about form, how fast you’re running, where you’re going or how far. Just go for it. Let everything go. Feel the wind in your hair. Enjoy the exhilarating thrill of running fast. It feels good. Feels like you’re flying. Nothing can hold you back…

2) Head for the Hills

Hill training is great for creating “buns of steel”! Not only that but your whole body will get a good workout, including your arms and chest. It’s also enormously beneficial for building strength, endurance and speed.

Try not to approach a hill with a feeling of doom, though. Hills are only hard if you make them hard. Instead, see it as an opportunity to vary your pace and leg stride. Change down a gear and lessen your speed as the gradient increases.  Use your arms to help power you up to the summit.

When you get to the top, allow yourself to revel in that sense of elation. Hurrah you’ve made it! Let the endorphins flow!

Then, liberate your legs and arms as you enjoy some effortless speed on the way back down. This requires a different style and attitude. Relax your whole body, chill out and enjoy the ride!

3) Push the Boundaries

Be progressive. Challenge yourself on your regular run, be it 2 miles or 10. You can do it faster, can’t you?

Time it. Record it. Beat it!!!!!

4) Run to the Beat

Would you go on a long car journey without a radio or music?

Depending on the type of run, music can give you that extra boost when you hit a slump, take your mind off the pain or just put an extra spring in your step.

Invest some time into creating the right playlist for the type of run you’re doing. If you’re going for speedwork, try having a fast beat song, followed by a slower song. Run hard to the fast beat, and then recover listening to something more chilled out.

Make sure you stay safe. Never have headphones on after dark or in unpopulated areas, and be aware of your surroundings.

5) Cool Running Gadgets & Gismos

Although spending your hard-earned cash on the latest running gadget won’t necessarily transform you from a red-faced, wheezing jogger into a finely honed, lean-machine athlete, it can be a good way to help inspire and motivate you.  

Heart rate monitors are great for understanding how hard you’re running, help you track your progress, keep you running at the right intensity and stop you from under or over training.

GPS watches, such as the Garmin, can tell you how fast and how far you’re running including your elevation. They work in a similar way to the Sat Nav in your car. You can even impress your friends and family with how far you’ve run by downloading your routes onto Google Maps!

Similarly, you can use footpods, like those made by Polar, Nike and Suunto. These ingenious gadgets work by monitoring the movement of your foot and transmitting this data back to your watch. You’ll get all the information you need on your running distance, speed, cadence and much more!


So now you know that hills don’t have to be horrendous, running like a child and testing yourself can be fun, and music can make your runs rock!  What's more, you no longer need to waste time measuring your routes using a bit of string and a map.  There are plenty of swanky toys on the market that’ll do a much better job, and offer far more entertainment! 

All you need to do now is get out running, and enjoy it!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

New Year’s Resolutions…How to make and break them

It’s time to make those annual promises to kick bad habits and devise fresh new self-improvement programs for yourself. But how can you ensure you’ll actually make it happen this year?

If you don't want your bad habits hanging around for another 12 months, and want to improve your health, wealth and general happiness, here’s a few tips on how to succeed after the New Year's celebrations and hangovers have faded, and reality sets in.

Small Steps to a Smaller Jeans Size

You don’t want your resolutions to appear like a huge insurmountable mountain. If your goal is too big, you'll feel defeated before you even get started.

Set a realistic overall goal, and then break it down into smaller more attainable chunks that can be achieved throughout the year.  Then give yourself a pat on the back every time you achieve one of these smaller targets.  This will help you to keep the motivation going.

To ensure success, be really specific with your targets. Vague plans usually get derailed within a few weeks.

For example, instead of focusing on getting into a certain pair of jeans or looking good for a beach holiday, make the commitment to loose 2lbs a week. It shouldn’t be too long before that top button does up without a stomach-holding-in power struggle!

Make Your Goals Comfortably Challenging

Be realistic and avoid perfectionist thinking. Focus on setting achievable goals, rather than mere wishful thinking.

Choose goals that are important to you, and not what you think you ought to do, or worse still, what others expect you to do. The more meaningful and personal they are, the more likely you are to achieve them.

Be Brave and Go Public!

Don't keep your resolutions to yourself. Tell friends, family and anyone else who will listen. They can help you to keep on track by offering encouragement and support. You’ll also be less likely to back out if more people know about your intentions.

Write down your resolutions and pin them up somewhere prominent. This will increase their significance, and you’re likely to be more committed to achieving them.

Most people find it conveniently easy to forget about their resolutions by the end of January! Start as you mean to go on, and get into the habit of regularly revisiting your plan whilst also recording your progress.

The Power of Positive Thinking

You’ll find it more beneficial to think about your positive achievements rather than how much you fall short of your goals. The glass is half full rather than half empty, kind of thinking.

Life is rarely straightforward, and unexpected events are usually just around the corner. So don’t get too disheartened if your plan and goals need to change. Be prepared to adapt and be flexible, whist still concentrating on your end goal.

Accept that new habits can take a while to become established and learnt, whilst old habits can be frustratingly difficult to lay to rest. Try to remain committed and focused. Remember, nothing really big and worthwhile is achieved in just one day!

And if you do fall off the wagon, which most people do at some point, don’t be too hard on yourself. See it as a lesson for the future, rather than a failure. Don’t allow the experience to become an excuse to give up. You’re made of tougher stuff than that!

Bite the Bullet & Get Started!

The first few days are crucial. If you hang around waiting until the time is right, or you have a bit more energy etc, you just won’t do it.

Action will often pave the way for enthusiasm, and not the other way around. Instead of waiting and hoping that energy and enthusiasm will somehow materialise, you need to go out and do something about it. So even if you only manage a 10 minute jog, you’re likely to come back with the motivation and determination to do more. 

And the more you do, the more momentum you’ll pick up, and the easier it’ll become.

What You Should Do Next…

1)    Strip bare your ambitions, and turn them into achievable targets and plans
2)    Brag about your intentions to family and friends
3)    Put your trainers on and head out the door

Go on……What are you waiting for???

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Don’t Hibernate this Winter, Train Outside!

The weather at this time of year is often used as an excuse not to exercise outside; it’s too cold, too wet, too windy, and/or too dark. All excuses I’ve heard and, I have to admit, occasionally used myself. But all it takes is some planning and a bit of extra kit, and you’ll get a huge sense of satisfaction and generally feel great and smug for doing it.

Copious benefits to the mind, body and soul!

If you spend most of your time in an office, and go to work in a car, train or tube, then surely the last thing you’d want to do at the end of the day is to head off to another artificial people container for a workout?

Isn’t it time your body saw the light?

If you head outside, you’ll feel more energised and be more inclined to be active. There’s nothing like a battling against the elements to really focus the mind on what’s important, and help relieve you of the stresses of the day.

Unlike in the gym, you can take in different scenery everyday, providing diverse views and stimulus for your workouts. You’ll get to appreciate the change of seasons, see the colours and shapes of the landscape transforming, and get to meet some interesting people along the way!

Challenge yourself

Training outside can work your body in ways that a gym workout will never achieve. It asks more of your body as a whole. Different surfaces offer different challenges. Grass, gravel, mud, stones and tree roots all intensify the workout, increasing the demand on your core, and the muscles and ligaments that stabilize your body. Your balance, co-ordination and proprioceptive skills will rapidly improve, as you encourage your body to do more complex movements over difficult terrain.

The weather also adds an interesting challenge, and the wind can be both your friend and foe. If you push hard into the wind at the beginning of your run, it will give you a helping hand on the way back!

No more smelly changing rooms!

Outside training also means that you’re likely to come straight back home afterwards. You don’t have to worry about packing a gym bag, remembering change for the locker, forgetting to bring clean underwear, getting verrucas, and sharing grim changing rooms.

You can come back to the comfort of your own bathroom, use as many towels as you like, and not having a stranger’s bum in your face when you’re putting your socks on!

And if that hasn’t convinced you…

Think of all the germs that circulate in the air conditioning at a gym. You’ll be taking in big gulps of them during a tough workout! But when you’re outside, you can fill your lungs with lots of healthy, natural fresh air and get a rosy glow to your cheeks too!

And exercising outside is free!

I’m a Londoner, I live nowhere near the countryside!

Londoners should actually find it easier to access ‘The Great Outdoors’, than anyone else in England. In a recent study published by the Audit Commission*, 92 per cent of footpaths and rights of way in London that are in or lead to open spaces and countryside are considered ‘easy to use’, giving you good access to some amazing green spaces. The overall average for England was 76.3 percent, so no excuses!

*The Best Value Performance Indicator 2006-2007, Audit Commission Local Government Compendium

But what about the cold and rain?

Read my article on There’s no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing! to find out how to protect yourself from the elements. And just think how nice that lovely warm shower will be when you get back, you’ll appreciate it so much more after a challenging run outside!

Safety comes before fashion at night

Make sure you wear bright coloured clothing or reflective gear if you go out in the dark and on a gloomy days. Florescent hats and gloves are a popular option, and are stocked by most running shops.

Share the pleasure & the pain

When it's dark, make your personal safety a priority and don't go out alone. Workout with a friend or trainer, or join an outside exercise class or running club. Stick to well lit, populated areas and be aware of what's happening around you. 

It's also more fun to train with other people, and you're more likely to push yourself further and less likely to wimp out when the weather is really bad!

Warm up first

Finally, you need to look after your body a bit more when you train outside. You're at greater risk of pulling muscle when running in the cold, so warm up slowly. Some people prefer to warm up inside first before they head out.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Motivational Mottos to Spur You into Action

Some of them are my own creation, some I’ve just heard and have stuck in my mind, and others come from books and the internet. All of them make me smile and give me inspiration in different ways.

1)    The smug feeling you get after a workout is far better than the guilty feeling you get if you've given exercise the cold-shoulder. 

2)    “Running is a big question mark that’s there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today'. ” Peter Maher, Canadian elite marathon runner

3)    Exercise is like mouthwash. If you can feel the burn, it's working!

4)    “Apart from the survival advantage when escaping a sinking ship in a cold ocean, being too fat has nothing but downsides.” Mike Stroud, Survival of the Fittest

5)    “Think of it like sex or a tax rebate. A little is always better than nothing. If all you have is 17 minutes to fit in a run, then run for 17 minutes.”  Runner’s World.

6)    Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows that it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows that it must out run the slowest gazelle or it will starve. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or gazelle. When the sun comes up you had better be running!

7)    Conditions are never just right. People who put off doing things until all factors are favourable, achieve nothing.

8)    Sweat cleanses from the inside. It comes from places a shower will never reach!

9)    Force yourself outside the door, once your out, that’s the hardest bit of the workout over and done with.

10)    The more “buts”, the bigger the BUTT!

So that's the motivational bit, now get out there and train!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Inspirational Reads

Following a hockey injury to my knee, my running has unfortunately had to take a back seat recently. For inspiration, motivation and distraction, I’ve since turned to perusing other people’s physical triumphs and tribulations.

So for the next time your training takes a nosedive, these are a couple of my favourite inspirational reads to spur you on.

One of my most thumbed books is Survival of the Fittest by Mike Stroud. Interlinking stories of his adrenaline-charged adventures, with informative sections on human physiology, Dr Stroud convinces you that we are all capable of great physical achievements.

He takes you adventure racing across 300 miles of American back-country with a 72 year old great-grandmother, hauling sledges across Antarctica with Sir Ranulph Fiennes, and battling sand, wind and blisters on the Marathon des Sables.  Along the way you learn a great deal about what the body can do in extreme conditions, and why we are all evolutionary designed to be physically pushed a lot further than you'd expect. 

Another well-read non-fictional book on my shelf is Life and Limb by Jamie Andrew.  After a gripping account of an Alpine climbing accident that turns him into a quadruple amputee, you’re then taken on a hugely emotional journey where he struggles to overcome his disabilities, returns to climbing and runs a marathon.  It puts the rest of us to shame!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.