positivity — News | HA Fitness


Back to school and changes in routine - don't forget to give yourself 'me' time

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Last week was a happy week for many, as the kids finally shuffled their way back into school.

We know that a few of you also returned to that slightly strange place called "The Office" again.

Although all of these changes are seen as progress, it's also important to hold onto some of those positive routines which we all developed over the last 6 months. Like ensuring that you take time out for yourself to both exercise and rest.

We hope that our online and park timetable suits a changing world, where schedules are evolving. Here's what we've got planned for this week:

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Fit In The Park, South Park Gardens:

  • Mon: 9.30am with Heather (Family friendly - babies and children welcome)

  • Thu: 6.15am with Heather

  • Sat: 7.45am with Kate

  • Sat: 9.00am with Kate

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Live Online:

  • Mon: 6.15am - Fit In The Home with Antonio

  • Mon: 1.00pm - Stretch & Restore with Heather

  • Tue: 7.00am - Fit In The Home with Antonio

  • Tue: 9.00am - Fit In The Home with Kate

  • Wed: 6.15am - Fit In The Home with Antonio

  • Wed: 7.00am - Fit In The Home with Kate

  • Wed: 12.30pm - Cardio Pilates with Sophie

  • Thu: 1.00pm - Stretch & Restore with Heather

  • Thu: 7.30pm - Cardio Core with Laura

  • Fri: 6.15am - Fit In The Home with Antonio

  • Fri: 1.00pm - Stretch & Restore with Heather

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Special Offer for September

Head over to our Payments Page for our price list. Don't forget that we've got a special discounted rate for the rest of September, starting from Monday!


Drop us a line if you have any questions or queries,

Happy Training,

Heather x

Posted by Heather Waghorn.