
Run The Richmond Park 10K With Us!


At HA fitness we love being part of a team, we also love running! We want to share these passions & invite you all to join us on a team run.

We've chosen The Capital Runners Richmond Park 10k on Sun 14th Dec, 10am.

Running is one of the fastest ways to get fit & burn fat. It's also more fun with friends, so whether you're:

- a seasoned runner looking to improve your time

- someone who needs to reignite their love of running

- a casual runner who is looking to take running to the next step

- looking to focus your fitness regime during the pre-Christmas season

- new to running/entering events & don't know where to start

Sign-up for the Capital Runners Richmond Park 10k & then contact us to let us know. We'll support you by providing a training plan & advice when needed. We can also organise some training sessions, if you'd like us to. And of course we'll work you hard at all the usual classes to get you fit & race ready.

The HA team will taking part on the day, each of us assigned to run at different speeds so that we can motivate all of our runners around the course. We'll also team you up with other HA fitness friends who'll be running at a similar pace to you.

Sign-up costs £17 at the event website. All entrants get goodies & a medal at the finish line!

Once you've signed up, tell us about your experience & how fast you'd like to run it (don't worry if you're not sure yet).

So whether you're looking to complete it in under 35 minutes or over 65 minutes, run as part of the HA team & share the training, the race & the fun!

August Bank Holiday Special

Monday 25 August 2014
South Park Gardens 

This fun session will be suitable for all levels, including our Buggyfit Mums. We'd love to see your husbands, wives, partners, family & friends there too. Children are welcome to come & play, although they remain your responsibility.

We're not sure how many of you will be joining us, & as our Trainer is giving up her time to run the session, we're asking everyone to book & pay in advance (sorry, your class passes won't be valid).

Bookings close at Midnight on Thursday 21 August so we can get busy & plan a fab session for you. If we don't get enough interest, we may have to cancel, so make sure you book up in time!

Cost: £7.50

Bank Holiday Special - Late Bookings Now Accepted!

We know you hate to miss a workout, so we'll be running 2 special classes on Bank Holiday Monday (26th May) in South Park Gardens at 9.30am & 7.15pm.

Both classes are suitable for all levels, including our Buggyfit Mums. We'd love to see your husbands, wives, partners, family & friends there too. Children are welcome to come & play, although they remain your responsibility.

As it's a Bank Holiday, we're not sure how many of you will be joining us, so we're asking everyone to book & pay in advanceClass passes won't be valid.

Bookings will close at Midnight on Thursday 22 MayWe are now accepting late bookings, but to make it fair on those who have already paid, we are now asking for a £1 late booking surcharge. This gives our Trainers plenty of time to custom-plan their body blasting workouts to suit who will coming. We may also decide to cancel the class if we don't get enough interest, so make sure you book up in time!

Cost: £7.50 (+ £1.00 late booking surcharge) or if you're super keen & want to come to both morning & evening sessions, it's just £10 (+ £1.00 late booking surcharge)

Summer Bodies Are Made In Spring BootCamp

Power-packed strength training mixed up with calorie-crushing cardio. This BootCamp now lasts 75mins instead of an hour!

Our 5-week programme will strengthen & tone your whole body. You'll also be doing some creative cardio drills to blitz calories & make you sweat. This hybrid approach is designed to both tone-up you up & burn the fat.

These classes are aimed at anyone who wants to work hard (sorry, it's not suitable for those who have given birth in the last 6 months, but have a look at our Body After Baby Bootcamp).

Meet at 8.00pm at Holy Trinity School Hall, Wimbledon on the following evenings: 

Thursday 24 April
Thursday 1 May
Thursday 8 May
Thursday 15 May
Thursday 22 May

Each session will last 75mins!

Cost: £40.00 for the 5 sessions. If you miss an evening, you can make up the session by coming to one of our regular Fit In The Park classes (just let us know in advance).