Zoom training — News | HA Fitness

Zoom training

Happy New Year!

Hopefully you're all settling into your new post-Christmas routine OK?

Life continues to be full of unexpected challenges, but you really don't need me to remind you of that. From a health, fitness and wellbeing point of view, if you've been exercising and eating healthily for most of the time, then give yourself a pat on the back and keep it up!

If you've gone slightly off track and want to get back into it, then don't focus on the past. Look forward to the fact that you're making a positive change now, and build on that. Your positive focus and actions will build momentum and enthusiasm. And of course, if we can support you in any of this, we will.

Our Zoom timetable continues to be very popular, with 13 classes a week, 5 different instructors and lots of variation. All for just £12 a week or £44 a month. If you've not signed up yet, drop me a line and we can organise a free week of classes for you to trial.

Finally, a big thanks to all of our clients for the encouraging feedback and all of the little thank you messages that appear randomly in my inbox!

Stay safe, healthy and fit,

Heather x

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Our all inclusive ZOOM & Park package!

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With my children back at school (after 6 months of being by my side!), I've finally got some headspace this week to make some positive changes to our little business.

For the past month we've been running a hybrid timetable of both online and in the park classes. It's worked well, however, I’ve realised that the original pricing structure could do with a few tweaks. I'd also like to offer a more blended approach to our Zoom/Park timetable.

So today I'm really excited to launch a couple of new packages. These will hopefully offer much better value for you!

Head over to our new Purchase Page for all of the details!


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Online fitness this week!

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There’s still time to join our popular Zoom timetable this week. A range of classes from Fit In The Home, Cardio Pilates, Cardio Core and Stretch & Restore.

Just £12 a week for 11 classes! If you’ve not tried us out, why not join for a free trial?

Drop us a line to find out more and to book your place.

  • Mon: 6.15am Fit In The Home with Antonio

  • Mon: 1.00pm Stretch & Restore with Heather

  • Tue: 7.00am Fit In The Home with Antonio

  • Tue: 9.00am Fit In The Home with Kate

  • Wed: 6.15am Fit In The Home with Antonio

  • Wed: 7.00am Fit In The Home with Kate

  • Wed: 12.30pm Cardio Pilates with Sophie

  • Thu: 1.00pm Stretch & Restore with Heather

  • Thu: 7.30pm Cardio Core with Laura

  • Fri: 6.15am Fit In The Home with Antonio

  • Fri: 1.00pm Stretch & Restore with Heather

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Farewell Antonio, but not goodbye - see you on ZOOM!!

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Antonio’s last class in South Park Gardens this morning....

Good news is he’s back again on Zoom tomorrow morning at 6.15am.... . Drop us a line if you’d like to join him and haven’t signed up yet.

Heather x

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Back in the park!

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And we’re back!! Our first Fit In The Park class at 6.15am this morning in South Park Gardens.

Well done to Antonio who was running this session, both in the park and on Zoom for our clients at home.

And well done to our amazing clients for joining us, following the social distancing rules and working out really, really hard. It was so lovely to see you all in real life!

Antonio is back tomorrow at 6.15am, this time in Wimbledon Park. Drop us a line if you’d like to join him. This session will also be taking place on Zoom.

Wow what a fantastic start to our outdoor sessions!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Park or Zoom classes? Tell us what you think!

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I've been absolutely blown away by how many people have answered our survey about our Zoom and outdoor classes. Also how enthusiastic and supportive all of your messages have been. I literally have a tear in my eye. Thankyou!

I'll close the survey on Sunday night, so if you haven't done so already, here's the email and survey link:

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The question everyone has been asking me is “are you going to run classes in the park again?”...Shortly followed by “how will it work?”.... And also “will you continue with the Zoom sessions?”

My answer is usually some shade of the following: As a team we really enjoy running our Zoom sessions, and we’ve gained so much more time from not traveling to classes.

You, our lovely clients, have told us that you’ve really enjoyed our online timetable, and many of you are doing a lot more sessions than you were doing pre-lockdown!

So if everyone is happy, why bother going outside?

Well, venturing out to the park for a class gives you a break from your work and family environment. And there’s so much more space to move around. Not to mention the social side of being able to chat freely while you blaze through a set of squats and burpees.

In a perfect world, we'd have an extensive timetable, both on Zoom and in the park, for you to dip into each week. However, as I’m sure you can appreciate, we have to be realistic with our time and resources.

We’re aware that you’ll all have different preferences and one-size will not fit all. So, we’ve put together this short survey to help find out what you’d really like to see on the timetable. We can then use this to put together a plan of action.


It goes without saying that we’ll be observing all social distancing guidelines. And we’ll only train in groups outside when it is safe to do so.

Hope to see you on Zoom soon!

Heather x

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Training safe online during lock down

Four weeks ago, we headed into the unknown and announced that our Fit In The Park class wouldn't be outside, and instead would be streamed online into your kitchens and living rooms.

It was our 9am Saturday class, the busiest of our week, and a huge ask of our lovely Instructor, Kate.

Amazingly, over 20 of you tuned in for her session. And she nailed it!

Since then we’ve added to our timetable and made a few improvements to our set up.

With the current lockdown measures remaining in place for at least another 3 weeks, and life not going back to normal at any point soon, we'd like you to know that the HA team have got your back. We're ready and fired up to give you a physical and mental boost, six days a week, until we can all safely go outside again.

As before, you get all of our Zoom classes for just £12 a week (no commitment, you just pay on a weekly basis). Our week runs from Monday through to Saturday inclusive.

If you'd like to sign-up to next week and don't already have our payment details, just email me at heather@hafitness.com.

Happy training and stay safe,

Heather x

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Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Online fitness - Easter timetable

We’re so egg-cited about how much you're all enjoying our cracking Zoom timetable, that myself and the HA team have decided to not stop hoppin' over the Easter Break. Here’s the plan:FRI (tomorrow):7am: Fit In The Home with Antonio (slightly later t…

We’re so egg-cited about how much you're all enjoying our cracking Zoom timetable, that myself and the HA team have decided to not stop hoppin' over the Easter Break. Here’s the plan:

FRI (tomorrow):

7am: Fit In The Home with Antonio (slightly later time)

12.30pm: Core with Heather (Sophie is still recovering)


9am Fit In The Home with Kate


7am: Fit In The Home with Antonio (slightly later time)

1pm: Stretch & Restore with Heather

See you on Zoom!

Heather x

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Lockdown challenge - The 100

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Here's a little workout challenge to do at home.

The idea is, you take a break from work/family and do 20 press ups. Then take another break, later in the day and do 20 squats.

Your goal is to do 100 of each by the end of the day! Let us know how you get on...

Posted by Heather Waghorn.