Class News

No sessions on Good Friday & Easter Mon

As usual, the HA fitness team will be enjoying some family time over the Easter period. There will be no classes on Good Friday or Easter Monday.

However we will be running our Fit In The Park Classes in Wimbledon Park & South Park Gardens on Saturday 19th April.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Half Term - we don't stop!

All classes will be running as normal during the Feb half term. If you're busy during the day, why not try out our early morning sessions?

Wimbledon Park - Ladies only:

Mon: 6.15am
Wed: 6.15am
Fri: 6.15am

South Park Gardens - All

Thur: 6.15am

Happy Training!



Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Body After Baby Bootcamp (Holy Trinity School Hall 2)

Re-discover your abdominals, improve your posture & have a tiny bit of YOU time.

Our 6-week progressive postnatal course focuses on those post-pregnancy problem areas including the tummy, glutes & pelvic floor. You'll also be doing some whole body conditioning to burn calories & start sculpting your body in time for the summer.

These indoor sessions are designed to compliment our Buggyfit classes. Without your little ones there to distract you, we can really concentrate on technique, body alignment & form. You'll also get the chance to workout hard, with no interruptions.

Throughout the course we'll help you to train at the correct intensity for your level, so that you can see improvements in your strength & stamina each week. We also hope to boost your motivation, energy levels & confidence too!

Here are the details:

- 8pm to 9pm every Thursday (6 week course)
- 27th Feb to 3 April 2014 inclusive
- Holy Trinity School Hall (2), Effra Road, Wimbledon, SW19 8PW
- £45 for 6 sessions

Go to our courses page for more info & to book.


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Abs Blast Bootcamp (Holy Trinity School Hall 1)

Power-packed abdominal strength training mixed up with calorie-crushing cardio.

Our 6-week conditioning programme will strengthen your abs, back & glutes. You'll also be doing some creative cardio drills to blitz calories & make you sweat. This hybrid approach is designed to both tone-up your abs & burn fat so that you can see & feel the results across your mid-section.

Here are the details:
- 8pm to 9pm every Thursday (6 week course)
- 27th Feb to 3 April 2014 inclusive
- Holy Trinity School Hall (1), Effra Road, Wimbledon, SW19 8PW
- £45 for 6 sessions

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Love For Free

Make his/her Valentine's Day one to remember by bringing them along to one of our Friday classes for free! Choose from:

6.15am, Wimbledon Park, Fit In The Park
9.15am, South Park Gardens, Fit In The Park
10.30am, Wimbledon Common, Buggyfit

The lucky person just needs to complete one of our health forms which can be downloaded here.


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Wednesday Night, Fit In The Park, South Park Gardens - Last Session

Our last South Park Gardens Wednesday night Fit In The Park session will be on 12th Feb. Don't worry, we're just postponing until we get some better weather & more light. We'll also be running some Indoor Bootcamps on a Thursday night at 8pm - watch this space for more info.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Wimbledon Park - New Training Location

As Wimbledon Park is a little wet under foot, we've decided to change our Fit In The Park training ground to next to the tennis courts. We'll meet-up in the usual spot (to the left of the Revelstoke Road entrance during the week & to the right of the carpark on Sat). We'll then move onto the following location (latecomers please go straight there).

Come into the park from the Revelstoke Road entrance & turn left. Walk up the path with the tennis courts on your right. We'll be training on the patch of concrete to the left of the path.

Wimbledon Park Buggyfit
will continue to meet at the cafe as usual & will use different parts of the park, depending on numbers & conditions.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Fabulously Fit January!

January has broken records in terms of rainfall...& we've broken records in terms of class attendance!

We're really proud of how many of you are getting fit at our classes & training sessions each week. Well done & thank you for your support!

Happy Training,


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Glute Camp - Get Your Rear Into Gear!

What is Glute Camp?

One 45 min early morning session teaching you how to fire up & activate your glutes. Come along & learn how to work your gluteal muscles without putting strain on your knees or bulking up your thighs.

When & Where?

Date: Tues 11th Feb 2014
Time: 6.15am to 7.00am (45 min)
Place: South Park Gardens, Wimbledon, London, SW19 8QW
Price: £7.50
Find out more & book now!  

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

4 HA fitness classes left in 2013!!

Mon: 6.15am, Fit In The Park, Wimbledon Park
Mon: 9.30am, Buggyfit, South Park Gardens
Mon: 7.15pm, Fit In The Park, South Park Gardens
Tue: 9.15am, Charity Class, South Park Gardens

Our Mon night class will be going ahead at 7.15pm, however due to the school being closed, we will run it in South Park Gardens (meet at the Trinity Road entrance).

There will be NO Buggyfit on Tue, Wimbledon Common

We'd love to see as many people as possible at our last class in South Park Gardens on Christmas Eve (9.15am on Tue). Including all of our personal training clients, Wimbledon Park ladies, the South Park Gardens group & our Buggyfit mums. It'd be fantastic to see some new faces there too (feel free to bring along any random relatives that are staying!).

No cards will be ticked, just throw some cash into Santa's hat at the end. All of the money will be donated to Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Don't forget to wear something festive. Mince pies at the end for those who work really hard!

We start up again, with a full class timetable on Thursday 2nd January 2014!

We'd like to wish you & your family a Happy Christmas & fantastic 2014!

Thank you so much for your support & friendship in 2013.

Very best wishes,


Posted by Heather Waghorn.


 13 - 17 January 2014


6.15am to 7.00am (45 mins, optional 60min on Thurs)

South Park Gardens, Wimbledon

Burn-off your Christmas excesses, supercharge your motivation & jump-start your energy levels.

Our HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Bootcamp is about getting your heart rate racing, your body sweating & your muscles burning. Fast-paced exercises will torch calories & boost your metabolism. Short, timed recovery periods will enable you to keep the intensity high whilst still maintaining form.

All we ask is that you give us everything you’ve got for just 45 minutes, everyday, for 5 days.

Go to Bootcamp to find out more.

Update on 2014-01-06 22:29 by Heather

Our Bootcamp week is now fully booked. Don't worry though, we'll be putting more of these sessions on in the near future. Please get in touch to register your interest.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Skip The Small Talk

Exercising with a group of like-minded people is proven to get better results than training on your own. Strength in numbers gives you a support network, friendly competition & more fun. You're also less likely to quit on a chilly day if you've got friends to meet & workout with.

Obviously you can enjoy these benefits at our Fit In The Park & Buggyfit classes (see below for the timetable), but if you're interested in something more tailored, why not try our Small Group Training sessions? Maybe you want to:

  • Conquer a 10K, marathon or triathlon
  • Build your core strength & improve your posture
  • Feel confident about your body after having a baby
  • Get ski-fit before you hit the slopes
  • Start exercising again (perhaps for first time in a long time)
  • Push yourself with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

Small Group Training will give you a fantastic return on your investment. It's more cost effective than one-to-one training & yet has all the benefits of a tailored workout. You get what you want, when you want it including:

  • A systematic program focused on your goals
  • Workouts specifically designed to get results in a small group setting
  • Training at a time & place that suits you
  • Email & phone support

Less Talk, More Action!

Maybe you've chatted to friends/colleagues/random acquaintances about training together, but have never got around to organising anything. Now's the time to start making it work.

Drop us a line
& let us know what you're interested in & your potential group size. We'll then put a plan together for you including costs & availability.

Need Some More Friends?

Skip the small talk & let us do a bit of match-making for you. Tell us when you want to train, where & what you'd like to do. We'll try our best to team you up with some like-minded people.

Don't think too hard about it, just get in touch with your initial thoughts & let us do the rest.

Book Now & Save!

Book & pay for one-to-one or small group training before 24th December 2013, & we'll give you 1 hour of training absolutely free! This is only available for clients who have not had personal training with us during 2013.

Find out more & make your booking. We've got limited slots available on this offer, so don't put it off.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Bring it on!


Give me a rainy day anytime! It's part of the thrill of outdoor training.

Admittedly, you have to dig deep & toughen up a bit. But once you get out the door, & put one foot in front of the other, you stop noticing the rain & start enjoying the challenge.

During our classes & personal training sessions, we try to keep you as snug as possible. We'll find a big tree to shelter under. We'll keep you off the wet ground & we'll work you so hard you won't feel the cold or notice the rain!

You'll probably end up doing something a bit different too. Take a look at the email we received last month from a Buggyfit mum:

Hi Heather,
 I just wanted to tell you what a lovely class we had with Kate in South Park this morning. It was pouring with rain most of the time & there were only five of us. But, as ever, she was cheerful & upbeat. We had a great time with weight balls & the ladder thingy, which we don't normally do with the bigger classes. She is a great instructor.
 Best wishes,
 Daniella Horwitz

Still unsure? Here our Top Tips for when it's really lashing it down:

1) Protect your phone by putting it in a zip lock food bag.

2) Avoid cotton clothes, which just soak up the water. Go for something synthetic & moisture wicking.

3) Unless it's really, really cold, don't overdress in head-to-toe waterproofs. You'll just overheat & sweat a lot. A lightweight jacket is usually sufficient.

4) Dry your trainers out by removing the inner soles & stuffing the shoe with newspaper to soak up some of the moisture. Don't, whatever you do, put them on the radiator or in the oven. It just makes them smell & they'll never really be the same again.

5) Fearlessly splashing through puddles like a big kid is a great way of taking your mind off your workout!

So next time it looks like rain, put your trainers on, grab your waterproof & embrace the elements with us. We promise you'll be buzzing with achievement & smugness by the end of the session!


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

See you tonight?

A quick reminder that our new Wednesday evening class in South Park Gardens, Wimbledon starts at 7.15 tonight!

Make sure you join us by planning the rest of your day now. Blast through your to-do list, tackle your children/partner's requests & find your workout gear - dirty or clean, we don't mind!

Feeling stressed? Then join us tonight to burn off some of that tension. The class will involve our usual mixture of challenging workouts, camaraderie & fresh air. The best therapy you can get!

We'll be meeting near the Trinity Road entrance to the park where there is more light. For those of you who don't know it, this amazing park is just a 5 min walk from Wimbledon station. If you're driving, there's free parking in Effra, Faraday & Clarence Roads after 6.30pm (some of the other roads are metered at this time).

So clear your diary & join us at 7.15pm tonight for some outdoor fitness fun.

No need to book, just turn up.

Hope to see you there,


Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Mats, Mats, Glorious Mats!

As a team, we spend hours cleaning & drying them. Our cars have a permanent damp mat smell. And although we don't mind too much, our loved ones aren't quite so impressed.

So, in an effort to improve family relations, we'll be asking you to bring your own mats to all of our Fit In The Park classes in Wimbledon Park & South Park Gardens from 7 October. We'll have spares if you forget, but please do try & remember.

You can buy them cheaply from Amazon, Argos & the big Sainsbury's, Tesco & Asda. Or ask one of our trainers if they have any old ones to sell on.

You really don't need anything flash, just something to throw down on the ground to protect you from the mud. Or you could always "go commando" & be mat free!

Posted by Heather Waghorn.

Change is afoot...

With the new term starting, it's been a busy couple of weeks for the team. Collectively we've deserted 4 little darlings at Big School & 1 older one at Uni for the first time. So if the sessions have been extra tough recently, we're sorry for taking it out on you!

Now that we've mastered the new routine, we'd like to make a couple of adjustments to your class timetable, so get your diaries ready.

New Wednesday Evening Class In South Park Gardens, Wimbledon

Thank you for all the positive responses about our new Wednesday evening class. We'll be starting on 2nd October in South Park Gardens at 7.15pm. We'll meet near the Trinity Road entrance where there is more light.

Monday Night Class Moving To Holy Trinity School Hall, Wimbledon

Starting from the 7th October our Monday evening class will be going indoors. We'll be putting you through your paces in the Front Hall at Holy Trinity Primary School. Situated on Effra Road, the school is just 2 minutes walk from SPG.  The French windows will be open at the front of the school, which leads you straight into the hall. There's free parking on Effra road in the evening.

Posted by Heather Waghorn.